Adjustment of the Sales department and the Improvement of Service
Author : Roymend Lai
PSI provides Electronic Manufacturing Services.
PSI mainly provides professional service. Some people may be curious about how we could receive mass orders without having our own brand of product?
Since this August, our sales teams has been rearranged as Sales II and Sales VI, originated from the old Sales II, Sales III and Sales VI. They take charge ofto domestic and international works respectively. And we have been expanding on the sales recruit as well. Regarding to the performance of sales profession, we have adjusted the sales efficiency with suggestion for every customer’s need. And our sales is all ready for their position in this November.
For operation process, we would re-arrange the sales training lesson. In addition to customer’s order and description process oriented services, more importantly, sales should be well-trained for knowing the manufacturing process and equipment functions. These knowledge would help our sales on business deliver the introduction of PSI’s equipment to customers. For this aspect, the production line supervisor would assist sales in understanding production process in order to improve professional training skills.
For efficiency, we provide different options of service for different customer’s demand. The IT department has modified the information system for efficiency work. And this programming can reduce artificial mistakes when comparing the data, and reduce the labor work time. So it won’t delay the production or shipping process. We have two programs. One is automated ordering system and the other is automated quotation system.
For efficiency, we will update further information to our IT department as database.
Two aspects to improvement are listed above. PSI will also make Sales learn the experience of dealing with abnormal situation through problem analysis. So we could provide our advice to the customer immediately when they are having a similar situation, and be able to manage it for reduced cost of the whole process of production.
Perhaps some of you may think what this matters with improving the service work. But there would be a limitation if sales cannot provide a proper service without training on professional skills. Thus, the basic training could improve our quality of service. Through the sales we can provide the service to every business customer. The sales need to possess this professional skill to earn the trust from their customers, and let the customer understand that they are able to solve the problems responsibly. Hopefully we could get more orders from learning these professional lessons and make further improvement. And make our sales more competitive in the business.