Workplace communication and management
Author: Gilbert Chen
Humans are social animals. Before we could talk, we communicated with gestures. Once we learned to talk, we began to communicate through languages. As we grow, human interactions become more diverse and complicated, and communication becomes ever so important. To stay on point, below we will only discuss about workplace communication.

Common Communication

The advancement of technology increased the pace of life, but boundless internet in turn complicates human interactions. Correct and effective communication is important in the workplace. The ability to listen and speak coherently is the first step to communicate, but not enough to achieve accuracy and efficiency. You will also need a mechanism of communication by creating a universal procedure, system and language in the company. PSI has been working hard to create an internal procedure, ranging from the process of receiving orders, creating technology information, production operation system, to a delivery communication system. Each step comes with a set of rules. Each people in the system operates in the same way. So communication between different teams will not have misunderstanding and mistakes.

Emergency Management

Emergent situations happen often in the workplace. They require immediate solutions, such as design problems require ECN, low yield or inefficient production requires root cause, complaints from customers require immediate handling. Ordinary communication can be done via email or short message service (SMS), but that would be too slow for handling emergent situations. If there is emergency concerning the company internally, an emergency meeting will be held. If it’s concerning the external situation, internet group meeting will be held. Of course not everything can be fixed with just one meeting, but each meeting will have discussion on the problem, the cause, and the countermeasure. The most important thing is to set due date for the action issues and time for the next meeting, so as to have a direction and plan for solving the problem completely.

Abnormality in Management

Mistake is the motivation for improvement: planning, execution, review and change are familiar work rules. Abnormality happens for a reason. Through cause analysis, we can figure out whether it is a problem with the system or with the individual. From there we can think about how to modify the system and prevent the same abnormality from happening again. Therefore, we review the abnormality monthly, and have detailed discussion to find ways to prevent the problems from happening again. This is the best way for the company system to improve. PSI holds monthly quality meeting to discuss all the quality issues occurred in the previous month, have a discussion and make improvement plans. We expect the company continue to review and improve in order to achieve a solid management system. Due to time constraint at the monthly meeting, if more time is required for a topic, we will discuss it at the bi-weekly system review meeting. By spending more time on the problem, we can also train the staff to have more focused thinking on finding a solution for an abnormality.
Communication is natural to animals. Human utilizes wisdom given by god to create language to have better and more complicated communications. We need to make good use of this god given gift to allow communication to become the driving force for better interactions between company, society and people.