PSI Facebook & Twitter community website is already online for service!
Author: Monica Wang
With the habit of people using 3C devices, from friends to families, groups to society, businesses to governments, community platforms have become one of the ways people communicate and cooperative work. Even in different time zones, regions, and countries, you can interact and understand through the community platform anytime and anywhere.
In addition to providing user interaction, the social platform could be promote brands and products. Therefore, PSI also plan Facebook fan groups and Twitter accounts (most for promote foreign customers), as a platform conduit for corporate operations, image promotion and message exposure in 2018. Allowing PSI to conduct both internal and external activities more timely and effectively, and through the social platform of Facebook & Twitter, can let the group of friends and customers received news and event information released by PSI at any time, and increase PSI and users more directly. Interact and connect on the platform.
In 2018, PSI had launched big or small messages through Facebook & Twitter about PSI’s culture video and process introductions video, semi-annual journals' special reports, new equipment added in the factory, optimization and maintenance of the official website, and company awards and employee welfare activities, and so on. In the future, we will continue to plan to join the Instagram, LinkedIn, and other community platforms to post PSI’s activity news.

Welcome click, track and follow PSI together!

★ Facebook Fan group account:@PSITW
★ Twitter account:@PronologyI